A taste of the Heart of the Unseen


Her dark almond-shaped eyes stared up at me as I pushed her on the swing. I could hear her laughter echo through the village, not knowing it would echo through my heart for years to come. Her small grin pierced my heart as I realized I could not keep her forever. The place was El Salvador. Year, 2007. Mission, to love the unseen, and to embrace the unknown. Who would have thought that 10 days would change your life? Who would have thought that 10 days would change your family’s life? Who would have thought…

As I kissed my little friend good-bye, I looked back with tears streaming down my face, realizing that her future in El Salvador was not promising. I fought the urge to run back, sweep her up into my arms and take her home with me. As our bus pulled away from the village, part of my heart was left behind.

This was the beginning. This was the beginning of a journey that God had began carving into my families heart for years before.


The ultimate example of God’s love towards us.

I believe that sometimes God takes you to a certain place simply because He knows that if you don’t go to that specific place, you will never get to your final destination of what He has planned. If I had never gone on a missions trip to Nicaragua, I would be a completely different person than I am now. I definitely would not be going to Southeastern, and I definitely would not have a 3-year-old Chinese sister, and  a 2-year-old sister on the way.

That day in Nicaragua, my heart began to ache. But it was different, it was PASSION. It was a desire to reach the hearts of the children that are unseen. Walking away from that little girl I knew in my heart that my family was going to be an orphans ticket home.


How many times a day does the word home echo from our lips?

Yet so many children shutter at the mention of a home, because they know that they don’t have one.

So I share my story to encourage you to look beyond yourself today. There is so much more to see.

Begin to hear the cries of the homeless, begin to see the tears of the broken, and begin to embrace the hearts of the unseen.

If you want to know more about our journey as a family to adopt my 2 little sisters, please visit my blog:

Mikelle Liette

We only LIVE once, what are you DOING to make a DIFFERENCE?

James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

About relating2thepublic

I am 21 years old and attend Southeastern University where I am pursuing my degree in journalism and public relations. I have many dreams and passions and I have decided to begin taking action now in accomplishing these dreams. I believe that everyone can be great, but they must persevere through struggles. I hope that my blog is an encouragement to you!

3 responses »

  1. I find all of these posts on adoption to be so inspiring! Maybe adoption is close to my heart because i’ve seen it first hand with my best friend. Actually I have five good friends that were all adopted. But my very best friend, Lauren was adopted from Taiwan. Its incredible to see her and her family together. Lauren is apart of their family and I can not imagine anything different. I know there are so many children out in the world with no one to care for them. They have no future and have to live in such devastation. Adoption is a blessing and can bring you so much joy!

  2. I thought this post was great. So many of the things you said are true. There are so many kids in the world that need homes and families, and the sad part about it all is that some people just don’t know how, or don’t think they can help. I think adoption is a great thing. Two of my best friends plan on adopting all of their future children, and I hope to adopt a child in the future as well. Since I can’t adopt a child now, however, I have sponsored a child. Sponsoring a child is the next closest thing to adoption in my mind, and is a great option for college students. Sponsoring a child is another alternative to adoption that can change a child’s life and make a difference in the world.

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